
Greetings and a warm welcome to the 2025 Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention!

📝 We are currently accepting applications for exhibitors for our 2025 Convention.

Convention will be held at Charles Spencer High School (CS) and St. Joseph Catholic High School (SJ), with some off-site sessions as well.

Here are a few key points to get you started:

  1. Keeping informed about MPTC 2025- The most up to date information is posted on our website and in our Facebook Group. Keep an eye on our posts and emails for upcoming social events, speakers, and contests. These opportunities will provide valuable insights, resources, and networking possibilities.

  2. Build your schedule - Be sure to read the descriptions!: Please note that adding a session to your schedule DOES NOT guarantee you a seat in the room. We allow attendees to select multiple sessions per time slot when creating their schedule to allow for maximum flexibility on the day of Convention. All sessions are first come, first served, unless otherwise stated in the session description. Some sessions are double sessions and some require pre-registration and may have a fee to cover costs of materials. Please read and follow the instructions in the descriptions. We are excited to include several off-site sessions this year, so be sure to check the location as well.

3. New schedule - There are four time slots when sessions are held on each day. Sessions are 70 minutes long and there is 20 minutes between sessions to allow time to get to the other venue(s) if necessary.
Session 1: 9am-10:10am
Session 2: 10:30am-11:40am
Lunch 11:40am-12:40pm
Session 3: 12:40pm-1:50pm
Session 4: 2:10pm-3:20pm

Our Fall Newsletter is available for viewing.Teachers’ Conventions are organized by volunteer teachers from each of the participating locals.
If you are interested in joining the MPTCA Board, please contact your local president.
Friday March 7, 2025 12:40pm - 3:20pm MST
"Joignez-vous Ă  cet atelier interactif pour explorer et mieux comprendre les Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s du nouveau programme d’études français immersion et littĂ©rature (FILAL). De plus, nous allons explorer quelques ressources du Centre FLRC qui pourront vous aider en salle de salle. Cet atelier, animĂ© par Andrea Couture, spĂ©cialiste de soutien aux programmes d’études avec le FLRC , vous permettra de mieux comprendre le programme d'Ă©tude, de voir des outils qui existent et d'explorer des stratĂ©gies pour intĂ©grer efficacement ce programme dans vos pratiques pĂ©dagogiques. Dans cet atelier double, vous auriez aussi le temps de travailler, de collaborer ainsi que de poser toutes vos questions. Alors, apporter vos questions et votre travail !

Session Objectives:
1. Mieux comprendre le programme d'Ă©tude FILAL
2. D'explorer des ressources qui existent pour soutenir ce programme d'Ă©tude
3. Du temps pour travailler et collaborer avec collĂšgues"
Friday March 7, 2025 12:40pm - 3:20pm MST
CS 206 20 Knowledge Way, Grande Prairie, AB

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