Greetings and a warm welcome to the 2025 Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention!

📝 We are currently accepting applications for exhibitors for our 2025 Convention.

Convention will be held at Charles Spencer High School (CS) and St. Joseph Catholic High School (SJ), with some off-site sessions as well.

Here are a few key points to get you started:

  1. Keeping informed about MPTC 2025- The most up to date information is posted on our website and in our Facebook Group. Keep an eye on our posts and emails for upcoming social events, speakers, and contests. These opportunities will provide valuable insights, resources, and networking possibilities.

  2. Build your schedule - Be sure to read the descriptions!: Please note that adding a session to your schedule DOES NOT guarantee you a seat in the room. We allow attendees to select multiple sessions per time slot when creating their schedule to allow for maximum flexibility on the day of Convention. All sessions are first come, first served, unless otherwise stated in the session description. Some sessions are double sessions and some require pre-registration and may have a fee to cover costs of materials. Please read and follow the instructions in the descriptions. We are excited to include several off-site sessions this year, so be sure to check the location as well.

3. New schedule - There are four time slots when sessions are held on each day. Sessions are 70 minutes long and there is 20 minutes between sessions to allow time to get to the other venue(s) if necessary.
Session 1: 9am-10:10am
Session 2: 10:30am-11:40am
Lunch 11:40am-12:40pm
Session 3: 12:40pm-1:50pm
Session 4: 2:10pm-3:20pm

Our Fall Newsletter is available for viewing.Teachers’ Conventions are organized by volunteer teachers from each of the participating locals.
If you are interested in joining the MPTCA Board, please contact your local president.
Thursday, March 6


9:00am MST

ATRF Your Pension Essentials SJ 150Linda Lau The Arctic Experience: Goota's Journey Through Inuit Traditions CS MOD 3Goota Desmarais Move Over Cigarettes: Vapes and Nicotine Pouches are Hooking Our Youth SJ 152Aaron Ladd The Ripple Effect SJ GYMDan St. Romain Elementary Basketball: Jr NBA Div 1 St. Kateri Catholic SchoolJordan Loughlin Mathologie et Matific - pour rencontrer les besoins variés de vos élèves CS MOD 4Renée Michaud - RLM Consultant Not Yet Days - Using differentiation to foster a growth mindset CS 163Monty Simo Teaching Students to Write Cool Characters, Superheroes, and Themselves CS 213Alexis Marie Chute ARE YOU SURE? QUESTIONS THAT BUILD MATH THINKING CLASSROOMS GRADE 4 - 6 CS LIBRARYJohn Felling Connecting Agriculture to the New Curriculum CS 162Luree Williamson 6 Super Strategies for Superb Sex Ed: Best Practices for Teaching Sexual Health CS 130Nicole Inglis Coding Across the Curriculum: Integrating Microsoft Makecode Arcade SJ 147Dominic Tremblay Empowering Junior High Foods Educators: Effective Resource Sharing Strategies SJ 141Jeanne Lawrence Learning With Lumio SJ 206Melanie Golding So you're a teacher with ADHD. Now what? SJ 236Leah Bray Basics of American Sign Language DOUBLE SESSION CS 206Alina Ovsiy Pastel Perfection: Mastering Chalk and Oil Pastels Techniques DOUBLE SESSION PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED CS 142Izabella Orzelski FULL - Get Inspired - A Gazillion Elementary Art Ideas to Implement Monday Morning! DOUBLE SESSION PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED CS 143Andrea Daly From Concept to Script - Screenwriting Workshop DOUBLE SESSION SJ 145Andrew Buckley FULL - Swing Into Action: Virtual Golf Experience Whispering Ridge Community SchoolHarley Mckechnie Social Studies Writing Workshop DOUBLE SESSION SJ 144Jacqueline Coates How to play games and run an Introduction to Board Games and Design Option DOUBLE SESSION Card's Board Game CaféGreg Oppedisano • James Chiba Needle felting in the Fashion classroom DOUBLE SESSION PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED CS 156Teri Todd

10:30am MST

Embracing Spiritual Wellness in the Classroom SJ 173Nichole Gerein • Kylie Fraser Numeracy in a Thinking Classroom (Number Sense, Addition, and Subtraction) CS 230Alicia Burdess Teaching Reading and Writing with a Poem a Week CS 208Angela DesBarres Out of the Box and Into the Barnyard CS 163Jennifer Daniel ARTA and the ARTA Benefit Plans - Looking Ahead to New ADVENTURES Presented by Alberta Retired Teachers' Association SJ 150ARTA • Lorna McIIroy Kinngait Through Goota's Eyes: A Tale of Challenges and Victories CS MOD 3Goota Desmarais President Schilling: Unplugged CS MOD 7Jason Schilling Spirit of the Metis CS MOD 5Brian St. Germain ᑕᐯᐧᐃᐧᐣtapwewin: Dismantling Anti-Indigenous Racism CS MOD 9Cassandra Mercer Off-Campus Coordinator PLC SJ 135Scott Randall Engaging the Disengaged SJ GYMDan St. Romain AI Prompting for Teacher Success CS MOD 10Danny Maas Failure: Friend or Foe? CS 213Alexis Marie Chute Integrating Conservation Agriculture into the Classroom CS 162Luree Williamson • Agriculture for Life La modélisation en barres, la représentation qui vous manque? 1ère à 4e année CS MOD 4Renée Michaud - RLM Consultant Mastering AI Prompts: Enhancing Productivity and Response Quality SJ 151Jeannine Younger Ukulele Unlocked: A Beginner Teacher's Guide (ATA Fine Arts Council) CS 139Lorna Walker • Connie Ohlmann Avoiding the Trap of Algorithms SJ 143Pam Harris Food Far and Wide SJ 147Dominic Tremblay La Langue du Michif CS MOD 6Dr. Eva Lemaire • Rania Eshak Science on a Budget: Bringing the New K-6 Science Curriculum to Life Indoors and Outdoors! SJ 237Inside Education Elementary Basketball: Jr NBA DIv 2 St. Kateri Catholic SchoolJordan Loughlin MASTERING MULTIPLICATION AND PLACE VALUE CONCEPTS - GAMES FOR UPPER ELEMENTARY CS LIBRARYJohn Felling Quizizz, the Basics and Beyond SJ 137Andrew Bullen Foods Sharing Session CS 131Cindy Hall Unlocking the Vault: Secrets of Exemplary Football Programs in Alberta SJ 142Ron McIntyre You are not your test: changing your language around accademic exams SJ 236Leah Bray

12:40pm MST

Innovation in Automotive Programs CS 135Sheldon D'Souza Leading with Laughter: Using Humour to Enhance Leadership and Learning SJ 144Hilary Schmidt • Peter Bailey • Abby Stilwell Getting the Most out of Your ELAL Block (and curriculum) CS 208Angela DesBarres Math, For the Joy of it! CS 230Alicia Burdess 99 Ways to Build Catholic School Culture SJ 272Carmen Moore Exploring Inuit Games: Tradition, Skills, and Community St. Kateri Catholic SchoolGoota Desmarais Financial Wellness it's more than just investments! SJ 150Capital Planning • Rick Harcourt How to Foster Effective Relationships? CS MOD 6Rania Eshak Teaching with Problem Strings (K-12) SJ 143Pam Harris Where do I belong? CS 206Alina Ovsiy Indigenous Veterans and My Cree Father's POW Experience CS MOD 5Brian St. Germain pîmastîhwâkiskiyihta How to weave Rupertsland Institute’s Métis Education Resources in your Classroom CS MOD 3Kimberley Fraser-Airhart • Holly Brandsma Positive Behaviour Principles SJ GYMDan St. Romain Mathology and Matific - Resources that meet the varied needs of your students CS MOD 4Renée Michaud - RLM Consultant Future Stewards: Building Critical Thinkers for a Sustainable World SJ 237Inside Education Cultivating Deep Focus in a World of Distraction CS 213Alexis Marie Chute StoryBricks: Using LEGO for Literacy SJ 147Dominic Tremblay Rhythmic Fun: Engaging Elementary Music Students with Hand Clapping Games (ATA Fine Arts Council) CS 139Connie Ohlmann BLAST: A Targeted Literacy Intervention CS 128Nancy MacLellan PLAY ON WORDS - PRIMARY LITERACY GAMES FOR SMALL GROUP AND WHOLE CLASS INSTRUCTION CS LIBRARYJane Felling The 'Not So Happily Ever After Storytelling Workshop SJ 145Andrew Buckley Since Feeling Is First SJ 135Scott Randall FULL! Easy Empanadas DOUBLE SESSION PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED CS 131Cindy Hall Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED - DOUBLE SESSION Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum Introduction to Cross Country Skiing DOUBLE SESSION Peace Wapiti AcademyDoris Gordon • Callum Vavrek Inspire and Create in Mixed Media DOUBLE SESSION PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED CS 142Izabella Orzelski UFLI 101 DOUBLE SESSION SJ 139Amanda Rich Making a Mess - a Million Ideas for Junior High Art! DOUBLE SESSION PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED CS 143Andrea Daly

2:10pm MST

The New Social Studies Curriculum: How to start Planning CS 208Angela DesBarres Numeracy in a Thinking Classroom (Number Sense, Multiplication and Division) CS 230Alicia Burdess Ramblings of an Administrator SJ 144Scott Bowen Role of Community-based Organizations in Indigenous Education CS MOD 5Madison Properzi Code of Professional Conduct: Navigating the Alberta Teaching Profession's Processes. CS MOD 10Tim Jefferies Enhance Well-being, Enhance Learning: The CSH Approach SJ 231Tammy Novak FASD - Transforming Behaviours into Success! SJ 142Jen Duperron-Trydal Foundations for Math Strategies TBAPam Harris Let's Talk About Subs! SJ 137Andrew Bullen More Than Words CS MOD 9Dusty Sage Plurilingual Approach to Learning CS 206Alina Ovsiy The Power of Story: Living a StoryCentric Life SJ 145Andrew Buckley TODAY, I CHOOSE JOY SJ 272Carmen Moore Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb CS 139Laurel Pritchard PE games for Monday! St. Kateri Catholic SchoolNaomi Smith L'Evaluation formative CS MOD 6Rania Eshak • Eva Lemaire Leveraging Backwards Design and AI for Quality Curricular Resources SJ 151Jeannine Younger Teflon ou Velcro - Comment maximiser l'apprentissage - 1ère à 12e année CS MOD 4Renée Michaud - RLM Consultant Leading EAs with Confidence: Fostering Collaboration and Reducing Conflict CS 129Amy Bartlett Masters in Their Fields SJ 147Dominic Tremblay Literature, Language and Life Skills SJ GYMDan St. Romain LINKING THE LEARNING - UPPER ELEMENTARY DOMINO MATH GAMES CS LIBRARYJohn Felling Finding Home on The Range: Exploring Alberta s Wildlife and Conservation Agriculture SJ 237Inside Education Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CS 234Ray Hemmingway Taking the Boat Out for the Day: Exploring the Short Story SJ 135Scott Randall Worldbuilding Fun for Fiction Writing CS 213Alexis Marie Chute Navigating the K&E online world: turn your chaos into productivity. SJ 141Erin Burns Project-Based Learning CS 135Sheldon D'Souza
Friday, March 7

9:00am MST

Teacher In-Classroom Supports CS 135Sheldon D'Souza Be An Upstander: Finding Hope in Complex Times CS MOD 8Sarah Adomako-Ansah Hands-on Minds On: The Intersection of Trades and STEM in K-12 Education SJ 231Your Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic Charge Your Battery by Incorporating Mindfulness and SEL into the Classroom SJ 145Christa Chapman Teacher Safety Net CS MOD 7Myra Rybotycki • Michelle Glavine How to Help Students with Anxiety, ADHD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, and Autism SJ GYMConnie Jakab Cultivating Compassion: Building a Safe and Supportive School Environment for All CS MOD 10Dr. Lisa Everitt De l’arithmétique à l’algèbre - 1ère à 9e année CS MOD 4Renée Michaud - RLM Consultant HPEC-Elevate your PE Class St. Kateri Catholic SchoolNichole Simigan Tout est vraiment genial avec les LEGO numeratie ! SJ 147Dominic Tremblay POWER PLAY - GAMES FOR TEACHING PRIMARY PLACE VALUE CONCEPTS CS LIBRARYJane Felling Math Morphology CS 230Rhonda Giesbrecht • Adele Lowen • Nicki Nightingale Inclusive Sexual Health Education: Making sex ed work for all your students CS 130Nicole Inglis Novel Studies - How to do it well! SJ 144Joanna Zakus • Nicholle Morrison Science Fairs- The OG S.T.E.M projects! SJ 142Jonathan Pittman The Poet's Toolbox - thinking like a poet SJ 139James Chiba Pathways to Possibility: Navigating the Transition from High School to University for Underrepresented Students SJ 135Sarah Flynn "You'd Be Good at That!": Connecting Students' Strengths with Polytechnic Pathways for Success DOUBLE SESSION Northwestern PolytechnicBobbi Craig-Sparkes • Jodi Peebles • Julia Dutove • Megan Stone • Tony Shmyruk Concept-Based Teaching, Planning, and Assessment in the New Alberta Science Curriculum DOUBLE SESSION CS MOD 9Cassandra Mercer Teach Across the Curriculum Like a B.O.S.S. with Computational Thinking & Scratch DOUBLE SESSION CS 212Trevor Iampen Exploring Van Gogh Painting Technique DOUBLE SESSION PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED CS 142Izabella Orzelski FULL - Swing Into Action: Virtual Golf Experience Whispering Ridge Community SchoolHarley Mckechnie Bursting with Excitement: Making EXPLOSION Books in Art! DOUBLE SESSION PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED CS 143Andrea Daly

10:30am MST

Communication Skills to Disarm Angry Parents SJ 272Connie Jakab The Power of Representation: Unpacking Implicit Biases and its Implications in Education CS 222Shalynn Zakordonski ASEBP MyRetiree Presentation SJ 150Joanna Szymczyk • Robin Doan Autism 101 CS 232Douglas Parsons Beyond 20/20-Visual Acuity is not enough SJ 143Chantelle Duinker Captivate Your Classroom: Transform Daily Lessons with Google Slides SJ 137Johnathan Warr Extended/Long Term Disability: It's All About the Medical CS MOD 7Myra Rybotycki • Michelle Glavine Leading for Equity: Unpacking Leadership Models, Gendered Expectations, and Bias in Alberta Schools CS MOD 10Dr. Lisa Everitt Run For Fun StarbucksAmanda Rich Witness Blanket - Voices of Residential School Survivors CS MOD 8Sarah Adomako-Ansah Ctrl+Alt+Teach: Mastering the New Computer Science Curriculum SJ 151Jeannine Younger Teaching Neurodiverse Students in an Inclusive High School Classroom SJ 240Chris Wudarck Walking the Sacred Path: Exploring the Labyrinth as a Form of Christian Prayer SJ 181April Fogle • Emily Elsenheimer BUDDY TEACHERS + BUDDY CLASSROOMS = MATH SUCCESS Elementary CS LIBRARYJane Felling Fun, Fast, Fresh, Free! New Resources for Teaching K-6 Physical Education and Wellness St. Kateri Catholic SchoolEver Active Schools Introducing Morphology - Empowering Readers and Writers Through Word Structure, Vocabulary, and Spelling CS 211Siobhan Murphy Follow The Money - Financial Literacy SJ 147Dominic Tremblay Les routines pédagogiques en maths - Quoi et pourquoi? 1ère à 6e année CS MOD 4Renée Michaud - RLM Consultant Special Olympics Alberta Summer Games CS 223Lisa Kerkhof A Year in the Life of Junior High Art SJ 145Christa Chapman Gr 9 - Engaging Projects SJ 144Joanna Zakus • Nicholle Morrison Building a plane in the air: synchronous online teaching SJ 241Melanie Golding • Erin Burns Empowering Junior and Senior High Sewing Educators: Effective Resource Sharing Strategies SJ 141Jeanne Lawrence Quizizz and Blooket, digital formative assessments made easy SJ 152Andrew Bullen Supporting Numeracy Development in Secondary Mathematics SJ 142Richelle Marynowski Can a Video Clip Under Four Minutes be Stretched Over a Week? SJ 139James Chiba Connecting with Nature: Fostering Global and Climate Literacy through the EducationNatureNexus Program SJ 135Sarah Flynn

12:40pm MST

28 Day Challenge through the Book Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World and Become a Good Ancestor CS 207Kim Barker-Kay ASEBP Benefit Overview Presentation SJ 150Joanna Szymczyk • Robin Doan Counting Time CS MOD 7Myra Rybotycki • Michelle Glavine Energizing Yoga and Mindfulness St. Kateri Catholic SchoolChrista Chapman Full Circle: Social Implications of Indigenous Realities CS MOD 9Cassandra Mercer Google Apps Buffet: Explore the Power Beyond Docs & Drive SJ 137Johnathan Warr Growth Mindset in the Classroom - Learn from an Olympian CS 223Andrea Dion Pass the Mic: Let's Talk About Racism CS MOD 8Sarah Adomako-Ansah Using AI to Enhance Human-Centered Work CS MOD 10Danny Maas Substance Use and Mental Health - What Educators Can Do To Help Students SJ 272Connie Jakab Grande Prairie Art Gallery - Pre-registration required Art Gallery of Grande Prairie Playful Learning: From Cradle to Career SJ GYMDominic Tremblay A year in the life of a music teacher. Let's talk plans. (ATA Fine Arts Council) CS 139Amanda Clark ATA Science Council presents Oreo Cookies and Scientific Method CS 224Michelle Savoie Celebrating Intercultural Connection and Inclusion in Physical Education SJ 143Ever Active Schools Increasing Engagement Through Math Activities SJ 240Chris Wudarck Shameless: How to talk about sexting, pornography, consent and more in today's sex ed classroom CS 130Nicole Inglis The Power of Scientific Modeling in Elementary Science Education CS MOD 4Renée Michaud - RLM Consultant Safety & Leadership through AMA School Safety Patrol CS 128Marina Prystupa Service Projects in CTF Class SJ 142Theresa Simmonds Ten Minutes to Mastery: Class-Wide Fact Fluency Practice for Struggling Students SJ 147Rhonda Giesbrecht • Nicki Nightingale Insights into Students' Comprehension and Communication, Grades 7-10? CS 211Siobhan Murphy Writing for Social Studies SJ 144Joanna Zakus • Nicholle Morrison Ethics Bowl - A Great Way to Engage High School Students in Developing Positions SJ 145Melissa Burton • Jack Zupko Autism 201 DOUBLE SESSION CS 232Douglas Parsons A Gift of Time: Collaborative Curriculum Planning Session in Numeracy K-3 DOUBLE SESSION CS 233Tracie Anthony Nouveau curriculum en francais immersion et littérature (FILAL) Aidez-moi! DOUBLE SESSION CS 206Andrea Couture Let's Roll! Getting Students Biking DOUBLE SESSION CS 135Matthew Vavrek From Zentangles to Neurographica... Art That Calms! DOUBLE SESSION PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED CS 143Andrea Daly Crochet for Beginners DOUBLE SESSION PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED SJ 181Hayley White Crafting with Pages: Exploring Genres Across Ages DOUBLE SESSION Pre-registration required Next Chapter Cards Board Game Cafe DOUBLE SESSION Card's Board Game Café

2:10pm MST

10:30pm MST


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