Greetings and a warm welcome to the 2025 Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention!

Convention will be held at Charles Spencer High School (CS) and St. Joseph Catholic High School (SJ), with some off-site sessions as well.

MPTC Wifi password: Mighty2025

Here are a few key points to get you started:

  1. Keeping informed about MPTC 2025- The most up to date information is posted on our website and in our Facebook Group. Keep an eye on our posts and emails for upcoming social events, speakers, and contests. These opportunities will provide valuable insights, resources, and networking possibilities.
    Read the February Newsletter.

  2. Build your schedule - Be sure to read the descriptions!: Please note that adding a session to your schedule DOES NOT guarantee you a seat in the room. We allow attendees to select multiple sessions per time slot when creating their schedule to allow for maximum flexibility on the day of Convention. All sessions are first come, first served, unless otherwise stated in the session description. Some sessions are double sessions and some require pre-registration and may have a fee to cover costs of materials. Please read and follow the instructions in the descriptions. We are excited to include several off-site sessions this year, so be sure to check the location as well.

3. New schedule - There are four time slots when sessions are held on each day. Sessions are 70 minutes long and there is 20 minutes between sessions to allow time to get to the other venue(s) if necessary.
Session 1: 9am-10:10am
Session 2: 10:30am-11:40am
Lunch 11:40am-12:40pm
Session 3: 12:40pm-1:50pm
Session 4: 2:10pm-3:20pm

Teachers’ Conventions are organized by volunteer teachers from each of the participating locals.
If you are interested in joining the MPTCA Board, please contact your local president.

Featured Speakers

avatar for Connie Jakab

Connie Jakab

Jakab Co.
avatar for Dominic Tremblay

Dominic Tremblay

Dominic P. Tremblay, Education Consultant
Education Consultant


avatar for Sarah Adomako-Ansah

Sarah Adomako-Ansah

Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Manager, Education Outreach
avatar for Amy Bartlett

Amy Bartlett

Grande Prairie Public School Division
Special Education Teacher
avatar for Karen Beatty

Karen Beatty

Peace Collaborative Services
Teacher Consultant for the Blind and Visually Impaired
avatar for Jason Bigcharles

Jason Bigcharles

First Nation/Metis Education Consultant
avatar for Andrew Buckley

Andrew Buckley

avatar for Andrew Bullen

Andrew Bullen

Science/numeracy teacher
avatar for Alicia Burdess

Alicia Burdess

Grande Prairie and District Catholic Schools
Numeracy Lead Teacher
avatar for Christa Chapman

Christa Chapman

Visual Art, Social Emotional Learning & Mindfulness
avatar for Alexis Marie Chute

Alexis Marie Chute

Alexis Marie Productions Inc.
Creative Director
avatar for Amanda Clark

Amanda Clark

Fine Arts Council
music representative
avatar for Renée Michaud - RLM Consulting

Renée Michaud - RLM Consulting

RLM Consulting
Consultante en mathématiques/Math Consultant
avatar for Pension Counsellor

Pension Counsellor

Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund (ATRF)
Pension Counsellor

Andrea Couture

Spécialiste de soutien aux programmes d'études / Curriculum...
avatar for Sheldon D'Souza

Sheldon D'Souza

Conference Director & Calgary PD Rep
avatar for Jennifer Daniel

Jennifer Daniel

Principal Worsley Central
avatar for Goota Desmarais

Goota Desmarais

Inuit Education
avatar for Robin Doan

Robin Doan

Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan
Benefit and Spending Account Specialist
avatar for Jen Duperron-Trydal

Jen Duperron-Trydal

NW Peace FASD Network
WRaP 2.0 FASD Instructional Coach
avatar for Inside Education

Inside Education

Inside Education
avatar for Jane Felling

Jane Felling

Box Cars And One-Eyed Jacks Inc
avatar for John Felling

John Felling

Box Cars And One Eyed Jacks
avatar for Sarah Flynn

Sarah Flynn

Centre for Global Education
Executive Director

April Fogle

St. Joseph Church
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
avatar for Kimberley Fraser-Airhart

Kimberley Fraser-Airhart

Rupertsland Institute
Métis Education Manager
avatar for Nichole Gerein

Nichole Gerein

District Principal of Religious Education
avatar for Brian St. Germain

Brian St. Germain

Indigenous Education

Rhonda Giesbrecht

Peace Wapiti Public School Division
Numeracy Coordinator
avatar for Rick Harcourt

Rick Harcourt

Capital Estate Planning
Professional Financial Advisor
avatar for Pam Harris

Pam Harris

Math is Figureoutable
avatar for Ray Hoger

Ray Hoger

Chief Operating Officer
avatar for Nicole Inglis

Nicole Inglis

Alberta Health Services: Teaching Sexual Health
Health Promotion Facilitator
avatar for Aaron Ladd

Aaron Ladd

Health Promotion Facilitator 2
avatar for Jeanne Lawrence

Jeanne Lawrence

Mighty Peace Teachers Convention Board
Board Member
avatar for Jeanne Lawrence

Jeanne Lawrence

Mighty Peace Teachers Convention Board
Board Member

Dr. Eva Lemaire

University of Alberta
Professeure agrégée
avatar for Agriculture for Life

Agriculture for Life

Agriculture For Life
Education Manager
avatar for Jordan Loughlin

Jordan Loughlin

JDL Athletics
Teacher/Basketball Coach/Trainer
avatar for Adele Lowen

Adele Lowen

Peace Wapiti Public School Division
Literacy Coordinator
avatar for Danny Maas

Danny Maas

Acting Associate Coordinator, Professional Development
avatar for Richelle Marynowski

Richelle Marynowski

University of Lethbridge
avatar for Lorna McIIroy

Lorna McIIroy

Alberta Retired Teachers Association
avatar for Christine McKernan

Christine McKernan

Teaching Sexual Health, Alberta Health Services
Health Promotion Facilitators
avatar for Carmen Moore

Carmen Moore

CMoore in Education
avatar for Nicholle Morrison

Nicholle Morrison

Calgary Board of Ed.
avatar for Siobhan Murphy

Siobhan Murphy

Pearson Canada
Planning & Implementation Manager for Literacy

Nicki Nightingale

Peace Wapiti Public School Division
Numeracy Coordinator
avatar for Tammy Novak

Tammy Novak

Alberta Health Services
Health Promotion Facilitator
avatar for Connie Ohlmann

Connie Ohlmann

Fine Arts Council (FAC)
avatar for Izabella Orzelski

Izabella Orzelski

Fine Arts Council
Art Representative
avatar for Alina Ovsiy

Alina Ovsiy

Peace Wapiti Academy, PWPSD No 76
FSL/ASL Teacher
avatar for Jonathan Pittman

Jonathan Pittman

Principal, TA Norris Middle School
avatar for Capital Planning

Capital Planning

Capital Planning
Marketing and Communications Manager
avatar for Your Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic

Your Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic

Lethbridge Polytechnic
STEM Teacher Consultant
avatar for Laurel Pritchard

Laurel Pritchard

Beaverlodge Elementary School

Madison Properzi

Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association
Provincial Education Lead
avatar for Scott Randall

Scott Randall

Glenmary School
Off-Campus Coordinator/Sr. high English
avatar for Amanda Rich

Amanda Rich

Literacy Lead
avatar for Michelle Savoie

Michelle Savoie

Pembina Hills
Secretary (6-9 science teacher)
avatar for Ever Active Schools

Ever Active Schools

Ever Active Schools
Health & Wellness Consultant
avatar for Nichole Simigan

Nichole Simigan

Physical Education Specialist
avatar for Naomi Smith

Naomi Smith

Grande Prairie Isabel Campbell Public School
Physical Education Specialist
avatar for Joanna Szymczyk

Joanna Szymczyk

Benefit Specialist
avatar for Amy Villneff

Amy Villneff

The Alberta Teachers' Association
Executive Staff Officer, Teacher Employment Services
avatar for Lorna Walker

Lorna Walker

Fine Arts Council
avatar for Johnathan Warr

Johnathan Warr

avatar for Hayley White

Hayley White

Divisional Inclusive Education Coordinator

Luree Williamson

Ag for Life Inc.
avatar for Jeannine Younger

Jeannine Younger

Peace Wapiti Public School Division
Education Technologist
avatar for Jack Zupko

Jack Zupko

University of Alberta
Professor of Philosophy
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